Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today is another day in the world of me. Well at least for me. I don't really know where to begin so I won't. It usually comes to mind when the fingers start movie. I meant moving, but now I will talk about movies.

I recently did not watch a movie last week. I have 7 more to watch and then I will be done with what needs to be watched. Of course, I still have all the t.v. series I bought to watch, but I would like to finish the last season of Get Smart before I start anything else.

At this point, I think I will just start alphabetical and go through everything. Or I will start with what I might sell at my garage sale this Spring and start with them. I think I will do the second because I would like to make sure that I want to get rid of it by watching things again to confirm.

I assume that that will reduce my collection a little bit. I also think that I will be getting rid of most of my VHS. It will be hard to do with some, but I would like to have everything on DVD and right now my collection is about 50/50. I would also like to stop buying so many and sign up for netflix because I love watching movies, but can't afford to see them in the theater anymore.

A few movies are musts to get on DVD and patiently I will rebuild my collection. I hope by having that on my signs will attract people to my garage sale so I can get rid of a lot of my friend's friend's stuff that is currently accouping my basement and garage.

I hope that that will clear out a space so that my dad has some room to work again. Since I moved in to my parent's house with my son, I have taken up one stall in the garage with a houseful of things that I hope sometime in the next year or so I will be able to take out of their boxes and have them accoupy a rightful place for them.

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