Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What does one truely understand about another? I sit here and think to myself things are so common sense and then for others it is like I am asking them to complete an Einstein equation. It gets frustrating, especially when it is someone so dear and important to you.

I hate fighting the same battles over and over again. I wish that we could come to some understanding. I am not the one who always has to be right, I would just hope that he wouldn't shut down my ideas before I even finish my sentance.

It feels like he wants to fail, like it is his fuel to survive.

I love his to death, but when is he going to try to change. I know that it will take time to do the actual changing, but God it helps if you try to make the attempt.

I left the conversation yesterday because I hate when I done talking and ask for his imput he hasn't a clue what I said and it also takes him about 10 seconds to respond. It is like he puts me on speaker phone and since I know when I am on speaker phone he needs to rush back to the phone and take me off of speaker phone before he responds. I mean really, what is the point of being with someone if you can't even listen to them talk for 5 minutes without putting the phone down.

I just hate feeling like I am the only one trying and being positive in this relationship. I would hope that somewhere down in his soul he would realize that the world isn't against him. He has just decided that since in childhood life dealt him a bad hand he is forced now to fight the world rather than mend what was wrong and move on with life.

It's getting to a point where I like why are we even talking right now if you aren't listening on the other end. I am not a telamarketer. I am your girlfriend. Show me just a little respect. I listen to you while you rant about the newest computer part or a band that I think is crappy. I do that because I love you and realize that not everything we are interested in are the same.

One thing I loved about you is that you didn't pressure me about my art. It is something I did and will probably do again, but right now I just have found other interests.

I love when you open up to me. I wish you would do it more often. I would love know everything about your past so I can better understand you.

I hate though when you tell whoppers. You tend to exagerate stories and that I consider a lie. I want the hard facts.

I love that you have your own hobbies and that I have mine too. I only wish we have more space so that we both can enjoy ours to the fullest.

There are a lot of things I love about you, but honestly there is a lot I feel we both need to improve on and I need to not be the only one that is making an attempt.

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